Mashreq Des Produits Laitier (MDPL) is a subsidy of Groupe Soparind Bongrain; an international cheese expert with over 40 subsidies worldwide. Bongrain is divided into two separate branches; Bongrain SA and Sopadnd Development, each an expert in its own field which ranges between specialty cheese and dairy products, under Bongrtn SA, and cooked meat, chocolates and seafood under Soperind Developments. The company is home for over 19,000 employees with revenues reaching 3,700 million Euros a year. Bongrain SA is ranked 1st worldwide in branded specialty cheese and 2nd in both cheese and dairy products in France. The company prides itself as being a value creator by providing quality cheese with a wide and differentiated range. Elle & Vire, Coeur De Lion, St. Moret, Tartare and Milkana are amongst the many brands Bongrain SA produces and distributes all around the world.
brands taking the market by surprise and capturing almost 30% of the processed cheese market. Later the brand was dropped by the conglomerate and was taken over by MDPL which started off as a joint venture between two world experts in FMCG business, Group Soparind Bongrain and Rachid Mashreq Group; a Middle East market leader with intensive experience in market development with several Ownerships and joint venture such as Unilever Mashreq, Dreem and Mashreq for commercial investments. By mid 2010, MDPL became fully owned by Group Soparind Bongrain making it part of its huge network of subsidies around the world.
As of the beginning of 2010, Milkana has re-launched its product to the local market with a new look, a new taste and a new positioning in line with the international range. Milkana is determined to provide its customers and consumer's premium qualities and services using the best in milk for you to get the best out of life.